Dear colleagues,


It is my pleasure to bring to your attention the European Registration for Genetic Nurses and Genetic Counsellors. We will soon start to receive intentions to register for the European certificate from the fourth cohort of applicants. We have now 50 European registered GC & GN from 13 countries.


Genetic counsellors and genetic nurses educated at Masters level are eligible (the list of the Master courses approved by the EBMG is available online). Professionals who do not have a Master degree may be eligible to apply via the Grandfather Clause. The grandfather clause is available until September 2018 in countries where an approved Master course is available and until September 2020 in countries where there is no Master course available.


Assessments will be made based on a submitted body of work. Portfolios will differ according to the candidate’s training route and previous registration.


Key dates:


15th July to 15th September 2016:

Submission of intentions to be registered with EBMG (by email:


30th October 2016:

EBMG will inform candidates on their eligibility to register


15th January 2017:

Deadline for submission of full applications and fees


15th April 2017:

EBMG will inform candidates of the results.


For more details please see our website ( or feel free to send us an email via


Please share this information with your colleagues.


We would like to thank all the registered GC & GN and their referees (senior colleagues and line managers) for supporting the process of professional regulation of genetic counselling in Europe.


Best wishes,


Milena Paneque

Chair of Genetic Counsellors and Genetic Nurses Professional Branch

European Board of Medical Genetics


Milena Paneque

Genetic Counsellor Centro de Genética Preditiva e Preventiva – IBMC i3S – Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Universidade do Porto R. Júlio Amaral de Carvalho, 45 – 4200-135 Porto Tel. +351 22607 4942
Chair of Genetic Nurse and Counsellor Division, EBMG European Registered Genetic Counsellor Nº31 Presidente Associação Portuguesa dos Profissionais de Aconselhamento Genético

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